The Old and New Testaments
The many references to the Old Testament by Jesus during His earthly ministry illustrate the importance He placed on knowing the content of the Scriptures. Because Jesus stressed the importance of God’s Word to the men He trained, Word of God Seminary in partnership with Harvestime International Institute presents “Basic Bible Survey 1 & 2” as part of its training program to equip men and women to reach their nations with God’s message.
“Basic Bible Survey 1 the Old Testament” introduces the Bible and discusses its translations and various versions. It presents an overview of Biblical history, geography, and life in Bible times. The course provides an outline for each book of the Bible and teaches outlining skills for expanding these basic outlines into more detailed studies of God’s Word.
Basic Bible Survey 2 the New Testament, continues the study with an outline for each book in the New Testament.
Information presented on each Bible book includes the author, the people to whom the book was written, the purpose of the book, the key verse, a list of main characters, and an outline of the content. A life and ministry principle is also stated for each book.
A Life and Ministry Principle is also stated for each book. These principles are basic truths vital to Christian maturity and ministry which you should seek to incorporate into your own life. Helpful charts, maps, and time lines summarizing important facts in condensed form are also included in both volumes of “Basic Bible Survey.”
Doctrine of the Trinity
This module “Doctrine of the Trinity” within the practical theology discipline seeks to thoroughly investigate the truth behind the Trinity and what the Word of God teaches us regarding the Trinity.
1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
A number of studies and writings have appeared in the recent years which analyses the Trinity and which give inside recommendations of what they regard as a proper theology of the Trinity.
The Armour of God
Paul told us to “put on the full Amor of God” so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
This metaphor makes it clear that the spiritual warfare is proactive, we must be prepared, ready to resist and empowered to advance into enemy territory. Jesus Chris is the Victor who calls us to stand on the ground He won through His blood.
As long as we are prepared for battle, we need not to retreat before any attack or intruder. It’s wise to pray on the Amor of God each morning, because without it we are open for attack. The Spiritual Amor in (Ephesians 6; 14-18) relates to our victory over the forces, as stipulated in the module “The Armour of God.”
Biblical Management Principles
This module “Biblical Management Principles” presents principles of management revealed in God’s written Word, the Holy Bible. “Management” is another word for “stewardship”. “Stewards”, or “managers”, are responsible over something entrusted to them by someone else. As believers, each of us are managers of spiritual resources with which God has entrusted us.
Creative Bible Study Methods
The New Testament Prophet John the Baptist was known as a “voice crying in the wilderness” as he proclaimed the Word of God. His message was fresh, powerful, and relevant to the spiritual needs of his time.
Many people today have become echoes of spiritual truths they hear from those around them. They are not a voice through which God can reveal His message, but are only an echo of what they hear from others. They are like the prophets of whom God said, “steal my words every one from his neighbor” (Jeremiah 23:30).
In order to speak God’s words you must first know what God has said. The purpose of this module “Creative Bible Study Methods” is to equip you to understand God’s Word. You will need only this manual, a Bible, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to learn these “Creative Bible Study Methods.”
Kingdom Living: Patterns and Principles
All men live in a natural kingdom of this world. They live in a city or village that is part of a nation. That nation is a kingdom of the world.
In addition to the natural kingdoms of this world there are two spiritual kingdoms that exist. Every person alive is a resident of one of these two kingdoms: The kingdom of Satan or the Kingdom of God.
This module “Kingdom Living: Patterns and Principles” concerns the Kingdom of God. It introduces the two spiritual kingdoms, their rulers, and residents. It provides spiritual keys for gaining access to the Kingdom of God and warns of things that result in being cast out of the Kingdom. The past, present, and future of this Kingdom are examined, Kingdom parables are explained, and its patterns and principles of living are stressed.
Teaching Tactics
Teaching” is the act of instructing another person. Biblical teaching includes imparting knowledge and demonstrating how to apply that knowledge to personal life and ministry.
Tactics” are methods used to achieve a goal, purpose, or objective. In the military, the subject of “tactics” teaches soldiers how to use their weapons to achieve an advantage over the enemy. The same is true in the spiritual world. If we apply God’s methods or “tactics”, we can conquer spiritual enemies that include the world, the flesh and Satan with all his powers.
In “Teaching Tactics” you will learn how to use a great spiritual weapon
Foundations of Faith
The basic doctrines of the Christian faith are the subject of this course. Doctrines are a collection of teachings on a certain subject. The basic doctrines of the Christian faith are the teachings of Jesus Christ recorded in the Bible as set out in the module “Foundations of Faith”
Prayer 101
The basic doctrines of Prayer 101 are to develop confidence in prayer, as confidence in prayer has been often eroded over the years by unanswered prayer on issues that are important to us or by praying for a promises out of context and ending up disappointed with God.
This module “Prayer 101” will help by getting our confidence in prayer back again, involves going to the Scripture and praying:
1. For the things God asks us ordinary believers to pray for.
2. Satisfying the conditions He places upon us for answered prayer.
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
During one of his missionary trips the Apostle Paul questioned a group of believers about the Holy Spirit. He asked if they had received the Holy Spirit since they believed. Their answer was, Acts 19:2 He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.
This module “The Ministry of the Holy Spirit” examines the nature and personality of the Holy Spirit. It discusses the titles given the Holy Spirit and emblems which represent the Holy Spirit.
The purposes, gifts, and fruit of the Holy Spirit are examined in detail. Practical guidelines are given for experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit, identifying spiritual gifts, and developing the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Multiplication Methodologies
The Bible records the creation of the world and the first man and woman in Genesis 1 and the first command given by God to these newly created people was to multiply:
Genesis 1:27-28 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
This process was not only to be physical multiplication, it was also to be spiritual.
This module “Multiplication Methodologies” shares Biblical methods of spiritual reproduction that will enable you to multiply in obedience to God’s command. You will learn how to multiply spiritually as an individual and corporately within the context of the local church. If you apply the Biblical principles taught in this course, you can be responsible for the multiplication of thousands of trained and motivated believers.
Mobilization Methodologies
To “mobilize” means to “put in a state of readiness for active service, to use one’s energies for action”. A “methodology” is a system of “methods”, a clearly defined way of accomplishing a plan or vision.
In this module “Mobilization Methodologies” you will learn the difference between mobilization and manipulation. You will study the Biblical basis of mobilization and learn how the fire, glory, and worship of God are involved in mobilizing God’s people. You will study Biblical principles of revival and learn their importance in maintaining the motivation necessary for achieving spiritual vision. This module presents methods (a clearly defined way) of mobilizing believers (channeling their abilities for action) to achieve the vision of worldwide spiritual harvest.
Strategies for Spiritual Harvest
The Bible states in Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” The vision of which we speak is not what is visibly seen in a trance. It is not natural vision. It is a spiritual vision. God is taking spiritually dead men and women and making them spiritually alive.
The vision is providing new meaning and direction for living. It is uniting the Body of Christ, the true Church, in common purpose. That vision is the subject of this module, “Strategies for Spiritual Harvest,” will lead you through four steps to achieve the vision:
Visualization: In which the vision will be identified.
Conceptualization: In which you will learn the concept of purpose behind the vision.
Objectification: In which you will learn objectives for fulfilling the vision.
Expectation: In which your expectations will be fulfilled, as you become part of the vision.
Homiletics is the art of preaching a topic from the word of God. It is the ability to communicate the teachings of Scripture in a way that the listener can understand. The development of types of sermon may differ from one another, i.e. expository, topical, devotional, and textual, they may include illustrations from life or fiction, but they should be clearly presented so that others may follow the importance of the subject introduced. The Scripture text at all times must be central (not forgotten) as it is clearly defined, explained and discussed. Includes the need to speak clearly, effectively, and genuinely
The module of “Homiletics” will lead you through the steps of writing of sermons and the art of preaching.
Knowing God’s Voice
What is God’s will for me? This question is perhaps the one most often asked by believers. It is also a question that frequently confronts Christian leaders as men and women turn to them for guidance in decision-making.
This module “Knowing God’s voice” explains how God speaks to man and how to find God’s will for your life. Guidelines are given on knowing the voice of God and determining His will. The pattern of God’s will and Scriptural examples of how God reveals His will are discussed.
Hermeneutics 1
The word hermeneutics means the interpretation of language, whether written or spoken. Generally, hermeneutics is an activity that interests biblical scholars, and the word is sometimes used in philosophy as well.
This module “Hermeneutics 1” explains the science of interpretation, esp of Scripture, the branch of theology that deals with the principles and methodology of exegesis, philosophy in the study and interpretation of human behaviour and social institutions and (in existentialist thought) discussion of the purpose of life.
Leaven-like Evangelism
Most teachings on evangelism focus only on the command to “go” into all the world with the Gospel. They emphasize preaching and teaching the Gospel message. This module differs because it also focuses on what Jesus said to do “as you go” and the New Testament Church pattern of what to do “while you are there.”
The module “Leaven-like Evangelism” is divided into three sections: section one is entitled “Go,” section two is entitled “As you go,” and section three focuses on the pattern revealed by the New Testament Church of what to do “while you are there.” This three-part approach to evangelism is called “leaven-like evangelism.”
Walking In the Spirit 1-4
This module “Walking in the spirit” is designed for anyone who wants to learn about Walking in the Spirit. While the bible teaching is concise and challenging the author have tried to avoid using any specialized theological language.
Workbook 1 – deals with the basics, workbook 2- deals with communicating with God, workbook 3 – deals with Spiritual Ministry, and workbook 4 deals with – Mustard-Seed Ministry & the Principles of the Kingdom.
Possessing the Promises (Claiming the Abrahamic Covenant)
The module “Possessing the promises” explains what is the true message conveyed through the story of Abraham and the promises God gave him? What is the significance? How do these promises impact believers today? Do they affect your destiny, and if so how? And how is your life intricately entwined with the story of this aging patriarch?
Principles of Environmental Analysis
This module “Principles of Environmental Analysis” introduces principles of environmental analysis necessary for organizing and mobilizing spiritual resources for evangelizing. This study stresses the importance of environmental analysis in planning strategies to reach the world with the Gospel. “Environmental analysis” is defined and reviewed in the Old and New Testament records.
Management by Objectives
“Management by Objectives” is a method for conducting Christian ministry in an orderly, effective manner. It is not enough to just know God’s will for your life and ministry. You must make definite plans to fulfill your spiritual calling. You must learn to work with God to fulfill His purpose and plans. This module “Management by Objectives” will help you fulfill the ministry to which God has called you. You will formulate a purpose for ministry in harmony with God’s purpose and plans. You will learn how to set objectives, implement plans, and evaluate results.
Women: A Biblical Profile
There are many voices in the world today speaking on behalf of women. We have heard the voice of what has been termed in some nations “women’s liberation” calling for equal rights for all women everywhere. In other nations, the voice of tradition has been raised demanding that women be kept in subjection. Theologians have debated extensively regarding the role of women in the Church. We have heard the voices of psychologists, educators, and philosophers with their various views on womanhood.
This module “Women: A Biblical Profile” summarizes all the Bible teaches regarding women. It is not only as a study guide, but a reference tool as it lists all the passages about women and references to all the individual women mentioned in the Word of God.
Power Principles
The truth of the Gospel is two-fold. First, it is the Word of God as revealed in the Holy Bible. To know the Scriptures you must study, understand, and apply them. But the truth of the Gospel is more than the Scriptures. It is also the power of God. To know the power of God you must understand and apply power principles. The power of God must become a reality in your life through experience.
Power principles taught in this module will enable you to experience the spiritual power taught in the Bible. This module “Power principles” answers the heart cry of those who have hungered for reality instead of religion. It will move you from being a spectator to a demonstrator of the power of God.
Spiritual Strategies: A manual of Spiritual Warfare
There is a great war being waged in the world today. It is not a conflict between nations, tribes, or government leaders. It is not a rebellion or coup. It is an important invisible battle taking place in the spirit world. As the end of time approaches it is even more important for believers to understand spiritual warfare than in the early days of church history. In order to be properly prepared for these perilous times, renewed emphasis must be placed on the strategies of spiritual warfare. The Christian life is war. The sooner we recognize and prepare for it, the sooner we will experience victory. This module “Spiritual Strategies: A manual of Spiritual Warfare” help us to prepare for spiritual warfare.
The Battle for the Body
“Spiritual Strategies: A Manual of Spiritual Warfare” which focuses on this portion of the invisible war. But there is another part of this warfare that is manifested in the physical realm. In this manual we call it the “Battle for the Body.” Satan the devil has targeted the physical bodies of believers because he knows that weak and sickly warriors cannot wage effective battle against his kingdom.
In this module “Battle for the body” we are making a careful evaluation of the strategies available to win the war against Satan the devil in the battle for your body. You will learn to do battle for your physical body and to minister these truths to other wounded warriors in God’s army.
Developing a Biblical World View
Developing a Biblical world view is basic to spiritual multiplication. Having a Biblical world view means you see the world on the basis of what is revealed about it in the Bible. This module explains the “world view” revealed in the Bible, the written Word of God. It traces the subject from the book of Genesis through Revelation. It explains God’s plan for the nations of the world from the beginning through the end of what we call “time.” This module “Developing a Biblical World View” presents the believer’s responsibility to the nations by introducing the challenge to become a “World Christian.”
Breaking Poverty Bonds
One of the main reasons for involvement in development work is to address poverty. This is our common enemy. However: How much do we know about poverty? How much do we understand about the causes of poverty? What is it that makes people poor? In this module “Breaking poverty bonds” we will look at important questions we must ask if we wish to address the issue of poverty effectively.
The healing ministry of Jesus is one of the most acknowledged and most controversial parts of His redemptive work. There are those who see healing as being “in the cross” and thus automatically and instantly available to the believer. In this module we will be looking at that which Jesus did before the cross and that which Jesus did in the cross itself. This is a unique and completed work of Jesus and we simply proclaim its benefits within this module. This is the healing of our spirit from sin, death and going astray.
Shattering the Shackles of Shame
One of the most powerful and devastating forces in the world is the emotion of shame. Jesus died for our sins, but Jesus also died for our shame. Since we no longer carried our sins, then we no longer needed to carry the shame of our sins or the shame imposed upon us by others.
This module “Shattering the Shackles of Shame” deals how to shatter the shackles of shame that have bound you, your loved ones, or those to whom you minister. The shame of divorce, abortion, sexual abuse, abandonment–the shame of every sinful act you may have committed or that was committed against you, you will no longer need to carry it!
Hermeneutics 2
In Hermeneutics 1 we touched on the basic to provide a method for the understanding the Word of God, to produce doers of the Word and to spread the truth of God’s Word through capable expositors.
In this module “Hermeneutics 2” we tend to you to gain insight into issues in both general and special hermeneutics. To appreciate the significance of a proper hermeneutical approach to the Bible and to develop a lifelong attitude of excitement toward hermeneutics and to deal with scenarios as the following:
Suppose a friend of yours, a new believer, whom you recently led to the Lord, has written to you about the Bible. He/she writes, “I’m reading the Bible as you suggested I do, but frankly I’m having difficulty understanding it. I talk to one person about problems in a passage I read, and he explains them one way. I talk to another person and he explains them differently. And they both claim to be taught by the Holy Spirit. How can I know which views are correct?”
Praise and worship
Praise, in the original Greek, means to sing, to tell of, to give, or to confess. In simpler terms, it means to be thankful for God’s blessings, and to declare that good news to God and to others. Worship, in both the original Greek and Hebrew, convey the idea of: “to prostrate oneself, to bow down, to fall face down, to pay homage and to pay respect.” In other words, worship is the highest form of honor and respect that we can show towards God.
This module on “Praise and Worship” deals with guidelines how to effectively deal with praise and worship.
The Pilgrim’s Progress
The entire module is presented as a dream sequence narrated by an omniscient narrator and the major theme in John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress is the cost of salvation. As Christian’s journey proves, the road to Heaven is not easy, the cost is great, and the true Christian must be willing to pay the cost no matter what. Man is full of sin, but this does not keep him from attaining glory. This module “The Pilgrim’s Progress” focus on these points and is a symbolic vision of the good man’s pilgrimage through life.
Prophetic Training
Within the contemporary church the term, “prophetic ministry,” can mean a great many things. Therefore we have attempted in this module of “Prophetic Training” to outline a brief description of biblically based values and practices for New Testament prophetic ministers and prophets. The contents are intended primarily for those called to trans-local ministries to the church at large, however, we also acknowledge many of these principles can be applied to individuals whose prophetic work does not extend beyond their local church. The goal of this module is Christ-like love and service from a pure heart and the spirit in which we present them is two-fold; Firstly, we desire to offer this as an appeal for Christ-centered unity of purpose among current prophetic ministries. Secondly, we wholeheartedly desire to see our colaborers bear witness to who Jesus is in every facet of ministry as they seek to prophetically serve the Body of Christ.
Understanding the Anointing
In this module of “Understanding the Anointing” we discuss the individual anointing that all believers have in the New Birth. We point out that all believers can experience a deeper anointing by being baptized with the Holy Spirit. This experience, open to all believers, is for service.
In Section 2 of the module we will see that there also is an anointing of the Holy Spirit upon ministry gifts—an anointing that goes with the offices.
In Section 3 of the module there is an even stronger anointing, the corporate anointing, that rests upon the Church.
Bear in mind as you study this material that these are different anointings, but they are all from the same Holy Spirit—the only member of the Godhead who is at work in the earth today.
Church History
Writers of Church History do not completely agree about how to divide the different periods of Church History. However, the most significant outline of Church History is found in the Book of Revelation, where the different church periods are outlined in a prophetical way. This module “Church history” deals with the introduction to the Dispensation of the Church, also called the Dispensation of Grace, and give a prophetical outline of general Church History.
Church History is not just another subject to be learned in Bible schools or other educational institutions, but it is historical information concerning an ongoing eternal process which you and I are a part of and in which we, whether we like it or not, are playing a part. The important thing is that we find our part and that we play it wisely.
The Church
In this module “the church” it deals specific with the definition of the church, the prophetic word of Jesus concerning the church, the divine building plan and wonderful start, the decline and restoration of the church, the ministry of the church, the church in the end time and the church in eternity.
Successful Christian Leadership
In this module of “Successful Christian Leadership” we address that, everything that we need to know about leadership can be seen in the life and teaching of Jesus. Church leaders must be Scriptural and not “absorb” worldly methods or attitudes. We must seek to be complete in our leadership of the Church, and the following question are answered. Should the pastor be a “shepherd” or a “leader”?
The Nine Gifts of the Spirit
When God calls, He will provide the means to fulfill the calling of your spiritual gifts, this module regarding “The Nine Gifts of the Spirit” will prepare you for the many wonderful manifestations of the Spirit, it is important to know that there is one of them that make all the others valuable and powerful. Without that one, the rest are useless. Do you know which one it is?
Understanding Biblical Numbers
This module “Understanding Biblical Numbers” explains the importance of biblical numerology and provides guidelines for properly interpreting numbers. You will learn the meaning of selected numbers, their prophetic significance, and how to apply what you learn. These foundational studies will equip you to interpret the spiritual meaning of numbers used in scripture and provide the skills necessary for you to continue this fascinating study independently. A balanced approach to the study of biblical numbers will enable you to do just that–correctly analyze spiritual truth in this important area of divine revelation.
Cults are unfortunately big news these days. People are desperately searching for God and there are some really dangerous frauds, con-men and lunatics out there fleecing the flock. This article deals with how to spot cults and false teachers by referring to biblical warnings about their characteristic behaviors. This module in “Cults” deals with question being asked and answers regarding: Marks of a Cult, How Cults Convert People, Cults and Crazy Thinking, Understanding Those Caught in Cults, When a Church Goes Wrong, Classic Cults, Commercial Cults, Mystical and New Age Cults, Spiritual Warfare, Discerning Good from Evil, Evaluating Revivals, False Miracles, The Occult – What’s Wrong With Exploring the “Other Side”?, Angels, UFOs and Cults and is Jesus God?
Deliverance is defined as the act of delivering someone or something: the state of being delivered. Especially: liberation, rescue. This module in “Deliverance” deals with spiritual deliverance and making sure you know and understand the difference between world and spiritual deliverance what is a concept found throughout the Bible that refers to being set free from various forms of bondage, oppression, or spiritual captivity. It encompasses the idea of rescue, liberation, and release from the power of evil, sin, and destructive forces.
The Kingdom of Heaven
The module “Kingdom of Heaven” as outlined in the Gospel of Matthew plus two introductory articles that explain some of the basic theology involved, are designed to give Christians an understanding of what Jesus meant when He talked about “the Kingdom of the Heavens”- which many bible students say was His main message. These studies are “prophetic”, not in the sense of telling the future but as in applying the prophetic call to righteousness to our situation today.
The image and likeness of God
This likeness consisted of the moral qualities of God, whereas the image involved the natural attributes of God. When Adam fell, he lost the likeness, but the image remained fully intact. Humanity as humanity was still complete, but the good and holy being was spoiled.
This module “The image and likeness of God” explain that truth agrees completely and lies contradict and do you have what God requires.
The AntiChrist
To understand the term “antichrist” which is found only in 1 John and 2 John, it is helpful to examine the scriptures that use the term. The phrase “many antichrists” occurs in 1 John 2:18: “Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.”
The word antichrist in this verse means “against Christ” or “instead of Christ,” or refers to a false Christ who “opposes” the true Christ (Vine’s Expository Dictionary). The Apostle John warned that many opponents of the true Christ and His message had already come. Some had infiltrated God’s true Church. John continued, “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us” (v. 19). John goes on to confirm this, providing more details.
The information in this module has been condensed from the Advent of Christ and Anticrist. The module “The AntiChrist” contains subjects on the antichrist and the second coming of Jesus, so that the truth can be known.
Intercessory Prayer
Through the pages of this module you will learn about a powerful supernatural resource available to the Body of Christ, that of intercessory prayer. You will learn what intercessory prayer is and how to do it effectively using dynamic spiritual resources that have been delegated for this purpose. You will learn what to pray for, how to overcome hindrances to intercessory prayer, and how to get started and keep going. Your spiritual life and ministry will never again be the same.
Basic Christian Doctrines
Understanding of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity is an important and life-giving part of following Jesus, and our hope is that this module will serve as a helpful first step in your lifelong journey of faith. This module in “Basic Christian Doctrines” will give you the understanding of the Knowledge of God from the General and Special Revelation to the Final State Heaven and Hell.
Ministering in the Prophetic
This study on Ministering in the Prophetic is based on the written Word of God and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. These are the non-negotiable foundations of prophetic ministry. If you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior and/or you do not believe in the infallibility of God’s written Word, then this module is not for you (and you should change your area of studying). The purpose of this module in “Ministering in the Prophetic” is to share biblical teaching to dispel beliefs that have distorted or disregarded the prophetic.
Ministering Spirits the Angels of God.
The study of angels is referred to as “angelology”. The term comes from two Greek terms, aggelos meaning “messenger” or “angel” and logos meaning “word, matter, or thing.” In Christian theology the term “angelology” refers to the study of the Biblical doctrine of angels.
The subject of this module “Ministering Spirits the Angels of God” is the righteous angels of God. It explains their origin, organization, and attributes. It summarizes the ministry of angels in the past, present, and future as recorded in the Bible. It also dispels common misconceptions about angels.
Biblical Prophecy
In a world shattered by terrorism, wars, famines, and natural disasters, people everywhere are greatly concerned about the future. What lies ahead for this world? What does the future hold for me as a child of God? How can I properly prepare to face the future?
This study module “Biblical Prophecy” is an exciting spiritual journey into the future. In the Introductory Unit, you will learn what prophecy is, how God commissioned His prophets, the source, purpose, and importance of biblical prophecy. You will also learn keys for understanding biblical prophecy. The Introduction to Revelation provides an overview of the book and keys to interpreting it. The remainder of the module will guide you step-by-step through the book of Revelation.
Biblical Theology
The word “theology” comes from two Greek words, theos meaning “God” and logos meaning “the word about” or “the study of” God as He is revealed in the Scriptures. Simply defined, theology is an in-depth study of the Holy Bible to discover what God has said about Himself, His purposes, His plans, and His promises. The purpose of this study module “Biblical Theology,” is to provide a summary for independent learning and/or teaching of basic theological concepts. It uses the Scriptures as the primary resource, and does not deal with conflicting theological arguments.
Jail and Prison Ministry
The module “Jail and Prison Ministry” is a training guide for jail and prison ministry, and provides instruction for every level of involvement: The minimal level of corresponding with an inmate. Visiting one-on-one with inmates. Ministering in group worship services, special programs, or Bible studies inside an institution. Assisting inmate’s families. Providing post-prison ministry upon an inmate’s release from a penal institution.
It includes instruction on dress and safety codes, institution and inmate typology, and how to relate to inmates in such a way that they will be attracted to the Gospel message and receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Each chapter includes instructional objectives to guide the learning experience.
Basic Counselling: Practice Management
The module “Basic Counselling: Practice Management” give guidelines for the planning and setting up of a practice for counselling regarding. Is a private practice for you? Positive facets of private practice, Negative facets of a private practice, Defining the practice, Planning the practice, Establishing a private practice, The purpose and elements of record keeping. Principles for making and keeping a record that supports the identity needs of the child or young person in ‘care’, The elements of risk in a professional practice and how to handle and avoid those risks, The kinds of assessment in a practice. These motivators might be coupled with personal issues that make going into private practice more desirable: flexibility in scheduling, challenge, or simply a desire to be one’s own boss.
Basic Counselling Background
Out of the many possible definitions of counselling, there are basically two aspects of counselling: A person in need of assistance, a relationship between the person being counselled (counsellee) and the helper (counsellor) in order to provide a positive outcome to overcome the problem. Counselling is a para-professional form of help. This means that counselling is not recognized as a profession on the same level as that of a Psychologist or Medical Practitioner.
The module “Basic Counselling Background“ focus on that counsellors, don’t change a person’s personality; but focus on changing the behaviour towards the problem. Counsellors are involved in guidance, clarification, environmental manipulation, and suggestion and community resources.
Altar Counsellor’s Guide
Serving as an altar counsellor can be an exciting and rewarding spiritual experience: You have the opportunity to “reap” spiritual fruit for the Kingdom of God. As a minister shares God’s Word, he is actually “sowing” it in the hearts of those who listen. At the conclusion of the service when he provides opportunity for listeners to respond to his challenge, a great spiritual “harvest” is ready to be reaped. As an altar worker, you serve as a counsellor to those who respond to the altar call made by the minister. You are working with the minister to “reap” the spiritual fruit of men, women, boys, and girls who have received and acted upon the Word of God.
The module “the Altar Counsellor’s Guide” through the role of the altar counsellor, is to draw alongside of someone who has responded to the altar call and minister to them. The purpose of this module is to prepare you to be an effective altar counsellor and work cooperatively with the pastoral staff.
Communication & Conflict
Washington Irving wrote: A bitchy mood is not tempered by age and a sharp tongue. It is the only tool which gets sharper the more you use it. “Almost every day we meet someone with a quick temper or a sharp tongue. Usually the acrimony caused by anger.
This module “Communication & Conflict” teaches that Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another, and is commonly defined as “the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing or signs”.
Practical Christian Counselling
Counselling is a highly idiosyncratic activity. From the mine of belief, reading and experience each counsellor must quarry that which will meet the needs of those who come for help. Within this module there is a strongly didactic approach here, in contrast to the recently-popular but now passing ‘non-directive’ fashion in counselling. There is a blending of head and heart with primary emphasis on Biblical wisdom and true love. Hence, counselling becomes the communication of foundational Biblical truths to be received and accepted. This “Practical Christian Counselling” module is a radical approach to counselling in the true sense of radical getting to the root of the matter.
Pre-Marriage Counselling
Premarital counselling is a form of couples therapy that can help you and your partner prepare for marriage. It is intended to help you and your partner discuss several important issues, ranging from finances to children so that you are both on the same page. The module cover topics such as: Covenant relationship. Attitudes, expectations and goals. Understanding your spouse. Roles and responsibilities within marriage. Communication for marriage. Conflict resolution. The voice of money. Marriage and money: five critical factors to consider. In-laws or Outlaws. Sex. Talking marriage.
Solution-Focused Faith: How to Believe God for a Miracle!
This are called “solution-focused faith”. Solution focused thinking focuses entirely on the desired end state and how to get there. Instead of worrying about what is not working “solution-focused faith” concentrates on what does work and how to do more of it. Solution-focused thinking is the opposite of problem-focused thinking. It does not bog down in the “paralysis of analysis” or get into gloom and doom predictions. The module guides us on how positive bible-based faith helps us to tap into God’s practical and perfect solutions for our lives.
The Spiritual Continuum
The new Christian needs to become a mature Christian, and this is a long process of refinement. This module “The Spiritual Continuum” is about understanding the path to spiritual growth and the journey toward Christian maturity until the believer is: perfected in love, mature in faith, and fully in the image of God’s beloved Son, Jesus Christ. The Christian life is much, much more than “getting saved”, then waiting around on earth, then going to Heaven. There is a lot of growing up to do as well!
Anger management
Today we are going to focus on how anger prevents us living Christ-like lives and how anger prevents the Spirit of God to move in and giving us life in abundance by looking at the following through this “Anger management” module: What is anger, Where does anger come from, How anger influence your life, How to deal with anger in your life (get rid of). It discuss the frequency and form of aggression shown by children depend in part on imitation, Children imitate adults and other children. When they see someone showing aggression, they tend to imitate that person, particularly if it is someone significant, such as a parent, sibling, or friend.
Counselling Recipes
A student who study this module on “Counselling Recipes” will not only rejoice in account after account of God’s faithfulness to His Word but will himself be challenged to serve the Lord more faithfully. This module is a testimony and a treatise on the results of counselling by prayer and supplication and by His Holy Word. Not by our wisdom, but by His grace upon grace. Our module for counselling is nothing else, but the Bible.
There are different kind of rules that are acquired as we grow up as part of various groups. Our ethnic group, our nationality, our religious faith, our social class, whether we live in a large city or a small rural village and whether we are male or female may all play a part in sharpening the rules we share with the others in our group. The module “Boundaries” takes us through the process of learning both the big and the little rules, which is sometimes called ‘socialization’, happens through our family, our schooling, our friends, and all the media systems from books to television and the internet. There are a whole range of other factors that influence the way we decide about good and bad, right and wrong and the module takes us through all these points.
Christian Counselling
Once you have worked through this module of “Christian Counselling,” you would have gained addissional knowledge in the following topic: The Christian Counsellor, Reasons for Unsuccessful Counselling, The Ultimate Goal of Counselling is, Talking – is it Therapeutic? Change – a Two-fold Process, Techniques on How to Listen, Ministering to The Total Person, Planning to Get to The Root of the Problem, Practical Guidelines Regarding the Interview, Procedure During First and Second Visits, Homework & Assignments, Wrong Ideas Regarding Counselling, Different Approaches to Problems, The Root Cause of Most Problems – Rejection, The Solution – Forgiveness!, Communication, Pre-marital Counselling, Marriage Problems, Abused Wife, Child Abuse, Depression, Homosexuality, Alcoholism (Drug Abuse), Attempted Suicide, Children and their Parents, Teenagers and their Problems, The Step-family, The Mourning Process, The Counsellor and Deliverance, Salvation, Determine Your Progress as Counsellor, Scripture in Counselling.
Sex, God, and Marriage
Everywhere today, people are searching for lasting and meaningful relationships. It takes courage and self-discipline to really live a different way, but it is possible. Wherever there is a faithful church, a community of people who are committed to living in genuine and honest relationships, there is help and hope for every person and every marriage and your answers you will in this module regarding “Sex, God, and Marriage.”
How are you coping with?
The module “How are you coping with” deals with various question and answers regarding coping such as: Coping with Infidelity, Coping with Loneliness, Coping with Sudden Unemployment, Coping with the Death of a Loved One, Coping with Transitions in Life, Coping With Violence, Coping with Workplace Harassment, Financial Strain and Pressures, Losing Intimacy in My Relationship, My Child being Bullied, Coping with Relationship Breakdown, Stress in Everyday Life.
Christian Marriage and Family Life
This module “Christian Marriage and Family Life” give the importance regarding Christian Marriage and Family Life as the choice of a marriage partner is one of the most important choices we make in life, which will mean either heaven or hell on earth (or anything in-between), and since God’s Word is very clear that this is a choice for life, it should be taken with the greatest care and understanding.
For less important choices in life, like our occupation, we seek counsel before we choose direction and we are even prepared to study for years. We will also carefully investigate all aspects before buying a camera or a car but when it comes to marriage, we often walk into it blindly and ill-informed, and this is usually why so many marriages end up in trouble.
The Mole: Healing After Sexual Abuse
This module “The Mole: Healing after Sexual Abuse” is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians, counsellors, psychiatrists, psychologists or any other medical practitioners. The module emphasises that: The web of unconditional love can limit children’s individuality and can impair their self-esteem; Parents’ low self-esteem disempowered them to try and create a “better life than I had” for their children; we are vulnerable to abuse because of our own low self-esteem.
The writer of the module highlights golden truths for self-esteem healing in that: We must develop our own certain gifts and not try to “catch-up” and “pretend” that what we do not have; There is hope if we hold on to God’s plan for humanity for deliverance and healing.
A Challenge to Work with Children
This module “A Challenge to Work with Children” recognise that never before in the history of mankind has there been such an attack on our children; through electronic means, through films, games and the general downfall of moral standards. Post-modern / new-age values are generally being accepted by secular society and enforced in the education systems all over the world. 3. These values are often in clear contrast to Biblical / Christian values.
The module takes us through the following fazes to prepare ourselves for: The Battle for the heart of the child, The responsibility of the church towards the children, The Church’s attitude towards the children, The Church models, by Petra College for Children’s Ministry, God’s attitude and plan for each child, Jesus’ attitude towards the children, Church based children’s ministry, Evangelism among children, How do we as a local church meet this challenge?
Traumatology: Trauma theory & symptoms
Within this module “Traumatology: Trauma theory & symptoms” you are taught the difference between trauma and traumatology, and how to deal with: Trauma and crisis, what is trauma, People experience loss after trauma, Trauma leads to growth, Anxiety, The connection between trauma & the brain, Examples of fear, annuity and stress-related disease, Scriptural aspects behind fear, anxiety and stress disorders, Measuring pain, Help for hurt.
Traumatology: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The module focus on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), what essentially means that we relive the impact of trauma long after the incident occurred and that it upset our life psychologically and physically to such an extent that it feels like we are starting to lose control.
The module focus on the impact of trauma resulting in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Traumatology: Debriefing
“Trauma debriefings” have been promoted as a method to help healing and resolution. Research shows a significant decrease in the development of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder as a result, and trauma debriefing therefore appears to be proactive. The module “Traumatology: Debriefing” focus on but not limited to Trauma debriefing model, Formal debriefing model and Debriefing process.