About Word Of God Seminary


Word of God Seminary (WoGS) is a formal training institution that is registered as a NPC in South Africa (Reg: 2021/952089/08.) The seminary has been started by passionate well-experienced Christian leaders and academics with a vision to train God’s children.

This seminary was specifically established to train everybody who is hungry to learn more about the Word of God internationally.

The seminary is run by a board of directors and a competent management and operational team with many years of accumulated knowledge and experience and with a very good administrative infrastructure, and will provide skill orientated training to students through training presented in classrooms, distance learning and on an online basis.




We are committed to deliver value driven, theory, practical and personally transformative training to God’s children seeking knowledge of the Word of God. Our courses are specifically designed to meet all the ministry, theology and counseling related requirements of individuals with a vision to change society, through proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord.




Our mission is to deliver the highest quality training to all students enrolled and believe that the teaching of sound knowledge, ethical and moral values will make a significant contribution to the sustainability of society.

An objective of Word of God Seminary (WoGS) is that a student learns, not about the Bible, but learns the Bible. The intent is that each student learns Biblical truths.

We are committed to removing the fear factor from the desire to earn a Biblical qualification. The Bible is our textbook. Each course uses the Bible plus a prescribed manual for the various subjects.


General Information

Word of God Seminary (WoGS) is a Non-Denominational Institution.
Students must be able to speak, read, and write English, however Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) will apply.
*Note: All mentioned qualifications and post graduate studies done through “Word of God Seminary” are a “Word Knowledge” qualification and not “Academic”.
Students Code of Ethics (PDF)

Life Experience

All degrees at Word of God Seminary are Earned Degrees. This is achieved by mandatory course work that must be completed.

Our courses are available to anyone who meets our enrolment requirements.  Our courses require comprehensive study and self-discipline as the Seminary is an online learning institution with a physical campus as well.

Bible College transcripts do not always reflect real life experience. Word of God Seminary recognizes life experience that may have been gained through years of work that is ministry related 

Many people have served in ministry positions and have gained a lot of knowledge and experience in their fields, but do not have a formal

Bible College certificate or degree. Life experience credits can give some of the recognition needed for this service in the work of the Lord.

This acceptance of life experience credits helps potential students to accelerate their learning institution knowledge and enabling them to earn a fully accredited degree.

No Seminary accolades or degrees can be awarded based purely upon life experience. Life experience credit cannot be given for an entire degree but is limited to a maximum of 30 credit hours.

Life experience which may include books authored, missionary trips, classes taught, outreach ministries, ministries within a church, etc., must be documented along with the years they occurred and submitted for evaluation.



Word of God Seminary will hold regional graduation ceremonies each year throughout South Africa. Attendance is not compulsory. Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees will be forwarded to students once a year on completion of their studies.

Graduation costs will only be available later during the year and is therefore not included.
