Note that the pass rate is 60%.
Pastoral Course Course syllabus will be communicated once the RPL process has been evaluated, RPL only applicable towards scholars with previous experience within the ministry. Contact the office of the Registrar WoGS for more information @
Pastoral Course Fees Registration Fee: R 1000.00 Cost per Module - Min 27 incl Practical : R 400.00 Time to complete: 3 Years Total Cost: R 11800.00
Evangelism (Minimum requirement student to be able to read,write communicate in English) Course Subjects Credits Old Testament 2 New Testament 2 Biblical management principles 2 Methodologies of Multiplication 2 Mobilization Methodologies 2 Strategies for Spiritual harvest 2 Knowing God's Voice 2 Evangelism 2 Communication and Conflict 2 Practical evaluation 2 Theoreical assignments 2 Total Credits: 22 Credits
Evangelism Fees Registration Fee: R 300.00 Cost per Module: R 300.00 10 Modules R 3000.00 Time to complete: 1 Year Total Cost: R 3300.00
Certificate Ministry/Theology
(Minimum requirement student to be able to read,write communicate in English)Course Subjects Credits Old Testament 2 New Testament 2 Trinity 2 Armor of God 2 Biblical Management Principles 2 Creative Bible Study 2 Kingdom Living 2 Teaching Tactics 2 Foundation of Faith 2 Prayer 101+assignment 4 Total Credits: 22 Credits
Certification Fees Registration Fee: R 300.00 Cost per Module: R 300.00 10 Modules R 3000.00 Time to complete: 1 Year Total Cost: R 3300.00
Diploma in Ministry/Theology Course Subjects Credits Holy Spirit 2 Methodologies of Multiplication 2 Mobilization Methodologies 2 Spiritual Harvest 2 Homiletics 2 Knowing God’s voice 2 Hermeneutics - 1 2 Evangelism 3 Walking in the Spirit + Assignment 4 Possessing the promises (claiming the Abrahamic Covenant ) 2 Practical Sermon 15 Min sermon. 2 Theoretical assignment - A minimum of 8000 words,Calibri 12. 3 Total Credits: 28 Credits
Diploma in Counselling Course Subject Credits Basic Counselling: Practical Management 4 Basic Counselling Background 4 Altar counsellors guide 4 Communication & Conflict 4 Practical Christian Counselling 4 Pre-Marriage Counselling 4 Solution focus faith 4 The Spiritual Continum 4 Holy Spirit 4 Knowing God's voice 4 Theoretical/Practical counselling assignment - a minimum of 8000 words, Calibri 12, and a Practical Evaluation of + - 10 Min 4 Total Credits: 44 Credits
Diploma in Prophetic Studies Ministering in the Prophetic 2 Biblical Meditation 2 Intercessory Prayer 2 Creative Bible Study Methods 2 Ministering Spirits – the Angels of God 2 Spiritual Strategies: Spiritual Warfare 2 Biblical Prophecy 2 Defending the spirit of prophecy 2 Passing On Mantle of the Anointing 2 Prophets in the Bible – Old Testament. Seek answers
to these questions.
1. To whom did the prophet minister?
2. What was the purpose of the prophecy?
3. What was the response of the people to whom
he/she ministered?
4. How did the prophet receive the prophetic word?
(Through visions, dreams, trances, angels, hearing
God’s voice, etc.)?
5. How did the prophet deliver the prophetic word?
(Verbally, through song, acted out, written, etc.)4 Prophets in the Bible – New Testament. Seek answers
to these questions.
1. To whom did the prophet minister?
2. What was the purpose of the prophecy?
3. What was the response of the people to whom
he/she ministered?
4. How did the prophet receive the prophetic word?
(Through visions, dreams, trances, angels, hearing
God’s voice, etc.)?
5. How did the prophet deliver the prophetic word?
(Verbally, through song, acted out, written, etc.)3 Biblical examples of: Prophetic oracles, exhortations, prayers, songs, visions, actions and personal prophecies. 3 Total credits 28
Diploma Fees Registration Fee: R 500.00 Cost per Module: R 400.00 10 Modules R 4000.00 Time to complete: 1 Year Total Cost: R 4500.00
Edit Bachelor Degree in Ministry/Theology Course Subjects Credits Environmental Analysis 4 Management by Objectives 4 Women Biblical Profile 4 Power Principle 4 Spiritual Warfare 4 Battle of the Body 4 Biblical World View 4 Breaking Poverty Bonds 4 Healing 4 Shattering the shackles of shame 4 Hermeneutics – 2 4 Praise and Worship 4 Biblical Meditation 4 Prophetic Training 4 Understanding the Anointing 4 Practical Sermon/Teaching assignment 20 min 4 Assignment topic to be allocated to individual students, min 15000 – 20000 words, Calibri 12. 6 Total Credits: 70 Credits
Edit Bachelor Degree in Counselling Name of Course Credits Specialised Counselling: Anger Management 4 Counselling Recipes 4 Boundaries 4 Christian Counselling 6 Sex, God and Marriage 4 How are you coping with? 6 Breaking Poverty Bonds 4 Shattering the shackles of shame 4 Understanding the Anointing 4 Practical/Theoretical Counselling assignment + – 20 Min. 6 Four (4) theoretical essay topics of a minimum of 15000 – 20000 words each, Calibri 12 topic to be allocated by the Registrar of WoGS 24 Total Credits: 70 Credits
Edit Bachelor in Ministry/Theology Fees Registration Fee: R 500.00 Cost per Module: R 400.00 15 Modules R 6000.00 Time to complete: 2 Years Total Cost: R 6500.00
Edit Bachelor in Counselling Fees Registration Fee: R 500.00 Cost per Module: R 400.00 15 Modules R 6000.00 Time to complete: 2 Years Total Cost: R 6500.00
Honour’s Degree in Ministry Course Subjects Credits The Church & Church History + Assignments 4 Cults & Deliverance + Assignment 4 Basic Christian Doctrines 4 Ministering in the Prophetic 4 Ministering Spirits the Angels of God 4 Biblical Prophecy 4 Biblical Theology 4 Jail and Prison Ministry 4 Biblical EQ 4 Temple and tithing 4 Practical Sermon assignment 45 Min 2 Topic to be allocated to individual students, Min 30000 words Calibri 12. 3 Total Credits: 45 Credits
Honour’s Degree in Theology Course Sabjects Credits The Church & Church History + Assignment 4 Cults & Deliverance + Assignment 4 Basic Christian Doctrines 4 Ministering in the Prophetic 4 Ministering Spirits the Angels of God 4 Biblical Prophecy 4 Biblical Theology 4 Jail and Prison Ministry 4 Practical Teaching assignment 30 Min 4 Topic to be allocated to individual students, Min 25000 - 30000 words Calibri 12. 8 Total Credits: 44 Credits
Honour’s Degree in Counseling Course Subjects Credits Cults + Deliverance + Assignment 4 Christian Marriage & Family Life 4 The Mole: Healing After Sexual Abuse 4 A Challenge to work with children 4 Traumatology - Trauma Theory & Symptoms 4 Traumatology - PTSD 4 Traumatology - Debriefing 4 Jail and Prison Ministry 4 Biblical Strategies For Confronting Crisis 4 Forgive 4 Practical/Theoretical Counselling assignment 2 One (1) or more practical evaluation and assignment topic's to be allocated to individual students by the Registrar of WoGS minimum of 30000 words, Calibri 12 3 Total Credits: 45 Credits
Honour's Degree Fees Registration Fee: R 500.00 Cost per Module: R 400.00 10 Modules R 4000.00 Time to complete: 1 Year Total Cost: R 4500.00
Master's Degrees Course Subjects Credits Master's in Ministry 50 Master's in Theology 50 Master's in Counselling 50 *Note: Motivational Report for Dissertation/Thesis paper Master's Degree with three (3) topics is required followed by a minimum of 50.000 words, Calibri 12, dissertation/thesis paper, on the topic approved.
Practical Counselling Assessment and Ministry, Theology Sermons 45 To 60 Min.
Master's Degree Fees Registration Fee: R 1000.00 Cost per Month: R 550.00 10 Months R 5500.00 Time to complete: 1 Year Total Cost: R 6500.00
Doctoral Degrees Course Subjects Credits Doctor of Divinity 48 Doctor of Ministry 48 Doctor of Theology 48 Doctor of Counselling 48 Doctor of Philosophy 36 *Note: Motivational Report for Dissertation/Thesis paper Doctoral Degree with three (3) topics is required followed by a minimum of 65000 words, Calibri 12, dissertation/thesis paper, on the topic approved.
Doctoral Degree Fees Registration Fee: R 1500.00 Cost per Month: R 700.00 10 Month R 7000.00 Time to complete: 1 Year Total Cost: R 8500.00
Clarification regarding Doctorate Degrees
A prospective doctorate student must have a Master’s Degree from any acceptable institution, or complete a WoGS Masters Degree program or the equivalent prescribed by the Board of Directors, to be eligible to enter this course.
Completed studies from any other institute will be accepted, based on RPL – Recognition Prior to Learning will be evaluated on application.
Prospective Doctorate students must provide three (3) possible Thesis’ of his/her own choice, which might include a preferred field he/she want to specialize in. WoGS will decide if one or more pre-scribed Thesis’s will be required.
Above are the outline of the prescribed Doctorate degree levels, where as the minimum criteria to be eligible to be taken in consideration for a possible professorate appointment, will be at least two (2) doctorate degrees, (excluding a Honorary Doctorate Degree), where after a PhD degree can be obtained.
Honorary Doctorate Degree
The Honorary Doctorate Degree (DH) is mainly to give recognition to Christian leaders for their faithful service to the Lord.
This Degree is awarded to distinguished individuals who have achieved outstanding results in ministry, who have served the body of Christ faithfully for many years and demonstrated outstanding leadership skills and character traits.Candidates are challenged to develop their ministerial skills to refine and articulate a Biblical theology of ministry while in a setting of ministry. The degree is ideal for those who serve the church in congregational/pulpit ministries, Para church organizations, mission agencies, and any other vocational ministry setting where advanced leadership skills and training would make a difference.
Life experience credits may include books authored, missionary trips, classes taught, outreach ministries, ministries within a church, etc., which is limited to a maximum of 30 credit hours. This life experience must be documented along with the years they occurred and submitted for evaluation.Word of God Seminary recognizes and honours individuals of extraordinary achievement in the following, which might include:
- performs remarkable exploits in the Kingdom that reflect unusual devotion to Christ
- possesses a history of faithful service to local churches and other ministry vocations that have positively influenced communities
- demonstrates outstanding wisdom and command of Scripture knowledge and research
- has a good reputation in the Body of Christ as well as the Christian community
- has a servant heart
- shows superior leadership abilities and achievements
- is of exemplary character and works to promote the common good of humankind
- develops course work and authors books
- seen as a father figure and is a good example to younger leaders
The Honorary Doctorate Degree is not automatically awarded. Potential recipients must first be nominated. We believe that successful nominees will be able to increase their ability to influence people for Christ.
Doctor of Ministry Degree
The Doctor of Ministry Degree (DMin) offers pastors, missionaries and leaders an opportunity for professional and personal growth.
The student will be required to do Word of God Seminary prescribed allocated thesis and a thesis of their choice (Masters & Doctoral) which will equip them for a higher level of competent practice of ministry than that achieved in the foundation work.
The candidates are challenged to develop their ministerial skills to refine and articulate a Biblical theology of ministry while in a setting of ministry. The degree is ideal for those who serve the church in congregational/pulpit ministries, Parachurch organizations, mission agencies, and any other vocational ministry setting where advanced leadership skills and training would make a difference.
Doctor of Divinity Degree
The purpose of the Doctor of Divinity Degree (DD) is to recognize Christian leaders for their faithful service to the Lord.
The Doctor of Divinity Degree is earned or awarded as an honorary degree and granted to distinguished individuals who have achieved outstanding results in ministry, who have served the body of Christ faithfully for many years and demonstrated outstanding leadership skills and character traits.
Word of God Seminary recognizes and honours individuals of extraordinary achievement in these areas of achievement.
Some of these achievements are as follows:
- performs remarkable exploits in the Kingdom that reflect unusual devotion to Christ
- possesses a history of faithful service to local churches and other ministry vocations that have positively influenced communities
- demonstrates outstanding wisdom and command of Scripture knowledge and research
- has a good reputation in the Body of Christ as well as the Christian community
- has a servant heart
- shows superior leadership abilities and achievements
- is of exemplary character and works to promote the common good of humankind
- develops course work and authors books
- seen as a father figure and is a good example to younger leaders
The Doctor of Divinity Degree is not automatically awarded. Potential recipients must first be nominated. We believe that successful nominees will be able to increase their ability to influence people for Christ.